Saturday, June 9, 2012

The most useful Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

Photoshop has literally hundreds of keyboard shortcuts. There's a keyboard shortcut for just about anything - but as a casual user of Photoshop I haven't tried to learn most of them. If I ever get to the point where I'm using Photoshop all the time then it'd be worth the effort to memorize them. For now I've just learnt couple of general shortcuts.

But these shortcuts are - in my opinion - the most useful ones. I use them every time I use Photoshop. In fact anyone with some experience with Photoshop has probably already discovered them. But if not, enjoy...
  1. To zoom in or out - hold the control key and hit the = key (for zoom in) or the - key (for zoom out).
  2. To move around the canvas when zoomed in, just hold the space bar down. Your cursor will turn into a hand, now just click and drag.
  3. To change your brush size, just hit the [ or ] keys until you get to the size you want.
    [ decreases the size of the brush. ] increases the size of the brush
  4. Have a selection you no longer need? Ctrl + D will deselect it for you.
  5. Too big? Too small? Use Ctrl + T to bring up Free Transform mode
    (In Free Tranform mode) hold down Shift to resize while maintaining proportions
  6. And, of course, Ctrl + Alt + Z will allow you undo your past actions until you get back to the point before you accidentally stuffed it up. (Ctrl + Z will undo the last action you took, but no more).
There are a couple of other shortcuts that I remember, but the six above are the most useful ones I've found. I use them all the time regardless of what kind of project I'm working on.

So, did you already know these shortcuts? And what are your most used Photoshop keyboard shortcuts? Teach me something new!

*For more Photoshop keyboard shortcuts this website has a great image of a keyboard which shows the Photoshop shortcuts for each key. Alternatively Google will undoubtedly be able to bring you thousands of hits on this topic.

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